Тиеу-түсіру жұмыстарының технологиясы мен механикаландырылуы

Kazenova A.O., Tagaev N.S., Usipbaev U.A., Pernebekov S.S. TТиеу-түсіру жұмыстарының технологиясы мен механикаландырылуы. A study guide. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 116 p.

The textbook 5B11310 “Operation and transportation of vehicles”, 6B11311 – “Organization of transportation by rail”, 6B11312 – “Transport logistics” and traffic management” is intended for students of specialties and contains the necessary information according to the requirements of the curriculum. and the specialty program.

The textbook describes the technology of loading and unloading various types of cargo and the characteristics of machines for their performance, as well as additional devices that meet modern requirements and expand the scope of their work. In addition, the core of the textbook is theoretical materials and examples on the main sections of the subject, knowledge control and control questions necessary for students to prepare for lectures.