Табиғат ресурстары және тұрақты даму

Mahamedova B.Zh., Esengazieva S.K., Mursalimova E.A., Shibikeeva A.M., Salykova A.S., Aldiyarova A. Табиғат ресурстары және тұрақты даму: Textbook for higher education institutions// B.J. Mahamedova, S.K. Esengazieva, E.A. Mursalimova, L.A., A.M. Shibikeeva, A.S. Salykova, A.M. Aldiyarova: – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 288 p.

The textbook “Natural Resources and Sustainable Development” has been prepared and integrated educational theories have been collected in order to improve the level of qualifications and skills of students in higher education institutions by presenting an innovative theory of education in the field of environmental protection. and land management.

On the basis of mutual support and partnership in the field of education, the advantages of higher educational institutions in Europe and Central Asia in the field of environmental protection and land management have been integrated into the knowledge system of environmental management, land management and cadastre, soil science. and water resources management. The educational manual “Natural Resources and Sustainable Development” was created within the framework of the ESAR project “Improving the competence of universities in Central Asia in agricultural policy in the field of environmental protection and land management”. The textbook contributes to the formation of environmental methods, knowledge and skills in the field of environmental protection and land management.

The textbook is written in accordance with the requirements of the current work program and is intended for students of higher educational institutions, as well as researchers and researchers involved in environmental protection and environmental management