Professional English for primary school teachers

Alipbayeva A.A., Khanina N.N. Professional English for primary school teachers: study guide/ A.A. Alipbayeva, N.N. Khanina. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 168 p.

The study guide is based on the State Educational Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan and model curriculum for specialty 5B010200 “Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education”.

This study guide presents a practical course of professional English language for students majoring in pedagogy and methodology of primary education. The main aim of the course is to develop and form foreign language and intercultural communicative competences and skills, necessary for professional dialogue in the future area of specialization. This practical course will help future professionals to acquire basic conceptual and categorical apparatus in certain spheres of their activity and corresponding systems of terms, features of text structural organization will form basic skills for successful professional communication in a foreign language.