Кәсіпкерлік қызметті басқару

Orazbayeva K.N., Turekulova D.M., Mukhambetova L.K. Кәсіпкерлік қызметті басқару: A textbook. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021.-236 p.

The textbook “Business Management” discusses the following main issues related to the curriculum of higher educational institutions in the field of economics: explanation of entrepreneurship; entrepreneurship and its role in the country’s economy; types and forms of entrepreneurial activity; business decision-making; justification for the creation of a new enterprise and the definition of its scope; business risk; entrepreneurial culture; business ethics and etiquette; trade secrets; responsibility of business entities; business planning; philosophy and tools of marketing entrepreneurship; calculation, production and financial plan of the enterprise; fixed and working capital of the enterprise; financial management of the enterprise; income from sales of products, works, services; business expenses; assessment of the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity; Personnel management; legal aspects of entrepreneurship.