Компьютерлік жүйелердің интерфейстерінің теориялық негіздері

Sultanova B.K. Компьютерлік жүйелердің интерфейстерінің теориялық негіздері: A textbook / B.K. Sultanova; Karaganda State Technical University – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. — 112 p.

In this tutorial, special attention was paid to issues related to the selection and design of user and hardware-software interfaces that implement the interaction of a human operator with a computer system. These methods include the principles of user interface design, operator interaction with a computer system, and so on, when they are used primarily in interface design. belongs.

The tutorial presents the basic theoretical principles of user interface design and dialog development.

The textbook covers only the basic, frequently used technologies and their components.

The textbook is intended for students of the specialties 5B070400 “Computer Engineering and software”, 5B070500 “Mathematical and computer Modeling”, 5B070300 “Information Systems” and graduate students of the specialties 6M070400 “Computer Engineering and Software”, 6M070300 “Information Systems”.