Агроөнеркәсіптік кешенде инвестициялық іс-әрекетті арттыру

Esirkepova A.M., Tulemetova A.S., Agabekova G.N., Imanbaev A.A. Агроөнеркәсіптік кешенде инвестициялық іс-әрекетті арттыру / Esirkepova A.M., Tulemetova A.S., Agabekova G.N., Imanbaev A.A. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021 – 152 p.

The agro-industrial complex is an area of economic and social importance for the regions of Kazakhstan. However, the industry is becoming less attractive to many investors. Current investment in the agricultural sector and the growth of the investment attractiveness of the agricultural sector are constrained by an acute shortage of financial resources, poor development of the material and technical base, and low demand from the population.

In this regard, it is of particular importance to conduct research on improving the mechanism for attracting investments in the agricultural sector of the economy and methods for increasing the investment attractiveness of the agricultural sector of the region.

The monograph is intended for researchers, undergraduates, doctoral students, teachers, government authorities and students of the Faculty of Economics.