Дене шынықтыру және спорт менеджменті

Omarov E.B., Moldan E., Yasynov J. Дене шынықтыру және спорт менеджменті: a textbook. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 356 p.

The following types and methods of control of tasks in the field of physical education and sports are mandatory in the educational material: current, intermediate and final control, carried out in the form of thematic control work, intermediate tests, individual and group presentations, research work. (abstract), the final exam. The student assessed by oral speech is required to be active in classroom classes and is provided with a separate text of the presentation, speech during the presentation and discussion of the results of the work. At the end of the course, the protection of individual scientific work is provided: a). the first part should include a presentation and proof of the chosen problem, the purpose and content of the study, methodological principles of the organization of work, a brief review of the literature; b). the second part is devoted to the analysis of the problem under study; c). the third part consists of the conclusions and results of the conducted research; d) it is indicated that the work must be completed 2 weeks before the end of the course, in case of completion of the work after the specified period, the price will be reduced by 5%; e) the presentation of the work is necessarily carried out with each student during the last week of study, a discussion of the presentation is held.

Materials that make up the amount of educational work: lecture – 15 hours, seminar – 15, preliminary preparation for classes, students doing independent work, mandatory participation in all types of control: daily, intermediate, final requirements are given. Students who skip classes are required to work with educational materials outside the classroom.

The textbook “Physical Culture and Sports Management” consists of 15 topics and is written on 269 pages. The materials of intermediate, current and short-term control and methodological recommendations for its implementation, test tasks, exam tickets, used literature are presented. The textbook is written in accordance with the requirements of the state standard of general education of the specialty “Physical culture and sports”.

It is intended for students of the faculties of physical culture and sports and specialists in this field.