Болашақ мұғалімді 12-жылдық білім беруге көшу жағдайындағы  кәсіби іс-әрекетке даярлау

Nugysova A., Zholtayeva G.N. Болашақ мұғалімді 12-жылдық білім беруге көшу жағдайындағы  кәсіби іс-әрекетке даярлау. Educational and methodical manual for students studying in the specialty “Knowledge”./A. Nugysova, G.N. Zholtayeva. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. – 252 p.

This teaching aid is recommended for all specialties of the faculties of Pedagogy and Psychology, Physics and Mathematics of higher educational institutions where teachers are trained.

This manual examines the theoretical and methodological issues of preparing a future teacher for professional activity during the transition to 12-year education. These materials are collected in three special courses. The teaching aid presents the educational and methodological complexes of each of the courses: lectures, practical exercises, independent work of students, as well as materials necessary for monitoring, recording and evaluating knowledge.

The teaching aid is intended for teachers and students of pedagogically oriented faculties of the vocational education system, undergraduates and doctoral students. At the same time, it will be useful for employees of educational institutions, methodologists and school teachers.