Мектеп жасына дейінгі балалардың тілін дамыту әдістемесі

Galieva A.N. Мектеп жасына дейінгі балалардың тілін дамыту әдістемесі: educational and methodical manual / A.N. Galieva – Almaty: Epigraph, 2021.- 264 p.

The methodology of speech development of preschoolers is the science of comprehensive education of the future young generation. Teaches children’s spoken language, their ability to connect words and sentences, the correct use of grammatical forms, and also educates the sound meaning of the language. Considering such tasks, the future specialist teaches methods and methods of speech development to preschoolers, providing higher education for staff. It takes into account the content and goals of its language development load. Its purpose is to combine students’ theoretical knowledge with practice.

The course “Methods of speech development of preschool children” ensures the competent performance of professional functions of students and postgraduates. The educational and methodological manual has been developed in order to provide methodological assistance to students of the specialty “Preschool education and upbringing”, graduate students, teaching staff of preschool organizations.