Қазақтың музыкалық фольклоры: болмысы, өзіндік ерекшелігі, тәрбиелік мазмұны мен заманауи өміршендігі

Balabekov E. Қазақтың музыкалық фольклоры: болмысы, өзіндік ерекшелігі, тәрбиелік мазмұны мен заманауи өміршендігі: textbook. 3rd edition / E.O. Balabekov. Almaty: CyberSmith, 2021. 152 p.

In the presented book, Kazakh musical folklore is considered as an integral part of the national spiritual culture, its use in folk creative, cultural and leisure activities is analyzed. One of the most effective means of collecting and promoting musical folklore is the essence of musical folklore groups, their variety and place in the development of national music.

The textbook is intended for teachers and students of higher educational institutions in the field of culture and art, heads of folk music groups, research scientists in the field of folk pedagogy, artistic creativity, folklore studies.

The textbook is the winner of the republican competition for the development, publication and translation of textbooks and teaching materials for higher educational institutions.