
B Batyrova K.I., Maimataeva A.D- Зоология-1: Guidelines for laboratory classes in invertebrate zoology. IP “LP-Zhasulan”.- Almaty, 2019. – 114 p.

Invertebrate zoology is one of the basic disciplines for biologists of any specialty. When studying the discipline, the foundations of theoretical knowledge and research skills are laid. In order to effectively train highly qualified biologists, in parallel with theoretical study, much attention is paid to getting to know individual animal objects in practical classes.

Methodological guidelines on zoology contribute to the deepening of knowledge on morphology, anatomy of the main systematic groups of invertebrates, the development of modern methods of microscopy, dissection, anatomy by histological sections; the acquisition of skills in cultivating protozoa and multicellular organisms in the laboratory.

Zoology – 1 is included in the professional cycle of bachelor’s degree courses in the direction 5B011300-Biology, and is also one of the main stages of bachelor’s degree in biology.