Лабораторный практикум по программированию. Visual basic

Umirbaeva S.T., Ryszhanova A.S. Лабораторный практикум по программированию. Visual basic: educational and methodical manual. — Almaty: Residential complex “LP-Zhasulan”, — 2019. — 110 p.

The training manual contains tasks and methods for performing practical tasks and laboratory work on learning the basics of algorithmization and programming in Visual Basic. The teaching aid includes: brief theoretical material, examples, tasks that are performed using a personal computer, control questions and assessment criteria, which can be useful to the teacher during the objective assessment of each task.

The use of materials from the training manual will contribute to the development of practical programming skills in high-level languages.

The proposed methodological guide can be used by university teachers, students, and school teachers in the social and humanitarian field.