Русский профессиональный язык для студентов специальности «Биотехнология»

Baitenova R. M. Русский профессиональный язык для студентов специальности «Биотехнология». A study guide. Karaganda: Medet Group LLP, 2020. – 150 p.

The textbook is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and the program of the discipline “Professional Russian language”.

The content of the manual is aimed at developing the language, speech and communicative competencies of students of the specialty “Biotechnology”. The texts presented as a unit of teaching the Russian professional language are aimed at developing the skills of using scientific literature in the specialty in order to obtain information that contributes to the formation of professional competence of future biotechnologists.

Post-text tasks of a reproductive and productive nature are aimed at preparing coherent statements based on the material of the text, the ability to evaluate the information received.

The textbook is intended for students of national groups specializing in Biotechnology.