Русский профессиональный язык для студентов специальностей «БЖД и Экология»

Baitenova R. M. Русский профессиональный язык для студентов специальностей «БЖД и Экология». A study guide. Karaganda: Medet Group LLP, 2020. – 177 p.

The textbook is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and the program of the discipline Russian language.

The tutorial consists of two sections. The course content is aimed at developing the language, speech and communication competencies of students of the specialties “safety and security of life. Ecology” – Section 1 consists of texts, followed by text tasks of an analytical and research nature. The materials of the SRS section are aimed at developing the skills of abstracting, abstracting and taking notes. Functional and stylistic tasks for texts are of an active speech nature and are aimed at mastering typical scientific speech structures.

The textbook is intended for students of national groups of specialties of the safety and security of life, Ecology.