Бухгалтерский учет в государственных организациях

Dosaeva A.Zh., Yesaidar U.S. Бухгалтерский учет в государственных организациях: Textbook Karaganda: LLP “Medet Group”, 2020. — 216 p.

The textbook corresponds to the program of the discipline “Accounting in government organizations”. The tutorial consists of 3 sections. The first section outlines the main theoretical aspects of accounting in public institutions. The second section, which is of a practical nature, discloses general accounting principles, and the third section discusses special accounting principles and the procedure for preparing financial statements. The practical value of the textbook lies in the fact that it contains standard correspondence accounts and control questions that allow you to check the level of assimilation of topics, as well as test tasks for the final control of students’ knowledge. The textbook is intended for the preparation of bachelors and masters of higher educational institutions specializing in Accounting and Auditing, as well as for practicing accountants and university teachers.