Полевая практика по зоологии беспозвоночных

K.I. Batyrova, A.D. Maimataeva, A.D. Kaynarbayeva. Полевая практика по зоологии беспозвоночных – IP “LP-Zhasulan”.— Almaty, 2019. – 139 p.

The practice is conducted in order to comply with the principles of continuity and consistency of students’ acquisition of professional skills and their further application in professional activities.

The educational field practice of students is one of the most important components in the system of training specialists, bachelors of the Institute of Natural and Technical Sciences, studying in the fields of Biology.

Field practice in zoology is designed to consolidate theoretical knowledge. It is necessary for biology students to acquire the skills of making observations in nature, mastering the methods of field research work in zoology.

Field practice in zoology is an important link in the preparation of a biologist and a bachelor of biology. Educational field practice in zoology is a mandatory type of bachelor’s degree work, it is included in the State Educational Standard in the field of specialty 5B011300 – Biology