Тактика спасательных работ и ликвидация последствий чрезвычайных ситуаций

Khusayynova N.T., Bakirova L.S. Тактика спасательных работ и ликвидация последствий чрезвычайных ситуаций: A textbook. – Almaty: IP “LP-Zhasulan”, 2019.-148 p.

The textbook contains materials for familiarizing students with the conduct of rescue and other urgent work in emergency zones, which are carried out in order to save people and provide assistance to victims, localize emergencies and create conditions for subsequent restoration work. Tactical techniques and the sequence of conducting search and rescue operations in various natural and man-made emergencies are considered, the success of which is ensured only if the following conditions are met, the rapid deployment of forces and means to conduct a search and rescue operation in the shortest possible time.

The textbook can be used in the preparation of students in the specialty 5B073100 – “Life safety and environmental protection” when studying the courses “Tactics of rescue operations and elimination of consequences”, “Fundamentals of life safety” and “Life safety”.