«Еңбекті қорғау» пәні бойынша инженерлік есептер

Smagulov Zh.K., Kubaeva U.S., Tusupbekova A.K. «Еңбекті қорғау» пәні бойынша инженерлік есептер: textbook. (revised and expanded 2nd edition). Medet Group LLP. Karaganda, 2020. -170 p.

The textbook on the topic of occupational safety, assessment of the microclimate of industrial premises of employees, the influence of harmful factors, etc. examines the phenomena.

The basic concepts and definitions covered by the subject “Occupational Safety and Health” are given, and at the end of each topic examples and technical reports for self-production are given.

The textbook is intended for specialists working in the field of physics, technical physics, occupational safety and health, university students, graduate students and teachers involved in science.