Қазақстандағы басқару органдарының қалыптасуы мен қызметі (1920-1936)

A.S. Yskak. Қазақстандағы басқару органдарының қалыптасуы мен қызметі (1920-1936): monograph.- Karaganda: Publication “AKNUR”. – 2017. – 210 p.

1920-1936 . Kazakhstan was an autonomous republic within the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. A new type of Soviet management system was introduced in Kazakhstan. The monograph examines the issues of formation and functioning of Soviet republican government bodies with the introduction of this system. The implementation of the aggressive policy of the central government in the republic under the influence of these governing bodies will be comprehensively studied and analyzed on the basis of archival documents.

The monograph is intended for readers and students of the scientific community.