Көліктегі еңбекті қорғау және эргономика

M.J. Kizdarbekova. Көліктегі еңбекті қорғау және эргономика. The workshop. Medet Group LLP. — Karaganda, 2020. — 94 p.

The master class contains theoretical information, as well as principles of working with the tools and equipment used, methodological methods of their use, safety rules when using the equipment.

The knowledge gained in practical classes is necessary for an engineer to improve his professional skills, effective use of motor vehicles, and today is an integral part of the general culture of a future specialist in the field of traffic and transport organization.

The seminar is intended for students studying the topic “Transport, traffic management and use of vehicles”.

Семинар предназначен для студентов, изучающих тему «Транспорт, организация дорожного движения и использование транспортных средств».