Жылу энергетика жүйелері мен энергияны қолдану

Satybaldin A.Zh., Bulkairova G.A., Aitpaeva Z.K. Жылу энергетика жүйелері мен энергияны қолдану: A textbook. Medet Group LLP, Karaganda, 2020. – 106 p.

The textbook “Thermal power systems and energy management” provides general characteristics and energy resources of the electric power industry of Kazakhstan, production and use of thermal and electric energy, thermal power plants and its types, thermal power devices in production and thermal engineering complexes, water supply systems. for thermal power plants.

The textbook is intended for students studying “Thermal Power Engineering”, “Technical Physics” and other technical specialties of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of higher educational institutions, as well as for undergraduates and doctoral students.