Сұйықтар механикасы

Abdiramanov A.A., Zholdasov S.K., Kozhamkulova G.E. Сұйықтар механикасы (Laboratory workshop): textbook.-Karaganda: Medet Group LLP. -2021. 178 p.

The textbook was created according to the working program of the course “Fluid Mechanics” and consists of 33 laboratory works.

In each of them, the order and schemes of laboratory work are shown, and final questions are given.

“Water resources and water use”, “Hydrology”, “Water supply of settlements and sanitation”, “Water resources management”, “Land reclamation, landscaping and protection”, “Life safety and environmental protection”, “Oil-gas” case” for bachelor’s degree in specialties and for the water industry of the college – “Applied ecology of agriculture and water management”, “Hydro-melioration”, “Hydraulic engineering” and other specialties of the college “Hydraulics”.