Құтқару жұмыстарының тактикасы және төтенше жағдай салдарын жою

Bakirova L.S., Khusayynova N.T. Құтқару жұмыстарының тактикасы және төтенше жағдай салдарын жою. A study guide. — Almaty: Residential complex “LP-Zhasulan”, 2019. -130 p.

The textbook highlights the organizational foundations of the state emergency service in the organization and activities of emergency rescue services and detachments created to eliminate natural and man-made emergencies, their capabilities to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations, the formation of emergency rescue teams. in the event of an emergency, their preparation, procedure for use, work management, urgent search for victims, types and methods of timely assistance are provided.

The textbook contains materials on the professional training of rescuers, conducting and organizing search and rescue operations in emergency situations, providing assistance to victims and safety measures during search and rescue operations.
[14:54, 24.04.2024] Айгуль АРУ: The textbook was created in accordance with the catalog of elective subjects of the specialty “Life safety and environmental protection” and is intended for students performing rescue and other rescue operations in an emergency zone, in emergency zones in order to save people. and victim care, isolation and emergency recovery in emergency departments. It is recommended to learn how to create conditions.