Қазақ тілінің тарихи грамматикасы

Mazhitaeva Sh., Zhuyntaeva Z.N. Қазақ тілінің тарихи грамматикасы. (A course of lectures, seminars and topics of students’ independent work, practical assignment, control questions).Educational and methodical manual. (3rd edition). Karaganda: Medet Group LLP, 2020 – 92 p.

The proposed educational and methodological manual presents in a concise form lectures of the scientific course “Historical grammar of the Kazakh language”, taught in philological specialties of higher educational institutions, topics of original works of students, questions of seminars, practical tasks. and test questions are given.

The purpose of the course is to identify and explain to students the ways and directions of formation and change, development and maturation of certain areas of language (sound, phonemic system and morphological structure).