Өндірісті метрологиялық қамтамасыз ету

Toguzbayev K.U., Munasipov S.E., Khalmetova Sh.T. Өндірісті метрологиялық қамтамасыз ету. A study guide. “Medet Group” ZHSHS. Karaganda, 2021. – 242 p.

In the textbook, special attention is paid to the consideration of the place and problems of metrological support of production, the method of using measuring instruments and issues of rational choice in the production of products of planned quality.

Metrological support is carried out in accordance with the requirements established by the standards of the State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements and other normative and technical documents, with the effective use of norms and rules, technical means, organizational and scientific foundations necessary for carrying out metrological support. The required accuracy and uniformity of measurements in production is one of the important issues in the training material shown.

The textbook offers a training course for students studying in the basic discipline “Standardization and Certification”, “Metrology and metrological support of production” and allows them to use it in personnel training, as well as advanced training and master’s degree training. students and doctors of R&D.