Территориялық маркетинг

Turmakhanbetova Sh.Sh. Территориялық маркетинг: A textbook for students of educational programs of economic specialties / Sh.Sh. Turmakhanbetova, R.E. Agybetova – Almaty:New book, 2021- 92 p.

The materials specified in the textbook help students write practical exercises, essays, reports, essays, as well as perform other types of independent work on the teacher’s assignment.

The topic of territorial marketing is a subject that is very often included in the section of elective courses of the Bachelor of Professional education program in the direction of “State and Local Government” of higher educational institutions. The manual discusses the basic rules that reveal the concept of territorial marketing, the theoretical and practical aspects of its organization, as well as the practical application of its tools and mechanisms in order to improve the effectiveness of territorial management.

The textbook consists of five chapters, each of which contains theoretical material, control questions and tasks, tests, as well as tasks requiring practical changes in the acquired knowledge.

Each chapter includes: a glossary that reveals the content of the concepts included in it; control questions and tasks for self-examination; a teacher’s test, answers to questions; practical materials confirming the knowledge gained are attached.

This educational tool not only highlights many ways of implementing territorial marketing, but also shows ways to increase the marketing potential of modern territories.