Билер соты-көшпелі өркениеттің бірегей жүйесі

Ibragimov Zh.I. Билер соты-көшпелі өркениеттің бірегей жүйесі: educational and methodological complex / Zh.I. Ibragimov,- Almaty:New book, 2021.- 68 p.

The educational and methodological complex is designed to study and master the issues of the development of the court of judges as a unique system, which is considered a value of the Kazakh people. It takes into account the need to confront global challenges by glorifying and developing our national values. In the course of spiritual rebirth, all aspects of the judicial court must be specifically studied and systematically recognized. As a national value, it is recommended to study the judicial court in depth and use its principles in the modern judicial system. The educational and methodological complex is intended for students and teachers of law, international law, political science, philosophy and other humanities, as well as readers interested in this issue.