Абайдың педагогикалық дүниетанымы

Zhumataeva E.O., Toleubekova R.K., Slambekova T.S. “Абайдың педагогикалық дүниетанымы”: monograph / E.O. Zhumataeva, R.K. Toleubekova, T.S. Slambekova. – Almaty: New book, 2021. – 316 p.

The legacy of Abai Kunanbayuly analyzes and studies pedagogical, psychological, and educational issues. Tables, pictures, matrices are given as a guide, and the statements “Be a human being”, “Be a full-fledged human being”, “Be a normal human being”, “Be an ideal human being” are presented in a variable version.

The stages of the human level are differentiated. Based on the paradigm of intelligence, new models of cognition and worldview were created in Abai’s work.

The monograph is intended for students of pedagogical specialties and specialists.