Газтурбиналы газ айдағыш агрегаттар

Abdikarimov S.A., Toleuov K.T. Газтурбиналы газ айдағыш агрегаттар: textbook / S.A. Abdikarimov, K.T. Toleuov,- Almaty: New book, 2021,- 140 p.

The textbook discusses the problems associated with gas turbine centrifugal pumps used at compressor stations (CS) to compress natural gas. Compressor stations using gas turbine gas pumping units are described in a separate report on the facility. As well as technological schemes of compressor stations when connecting gas pumping units (GAA) of different units; types of gas turbine engines and gas pumping units; the interrelationships of gas pipelines with gas turbines and gas injectors are given. The design features of the gas injection unit and their characteristics are given.

Methods for determining its technical condition and capacity are included in the process of using gas pumping units, attention is paid to indicators of reliability and efficiency, ecology and technical safety when using gas pumping units at compressor stations.

The book is intended as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying oil and gas specialties.