1920-1940 жылдардағы Қазақстандағы дене тәрбиесі мен спорттың даму тарихы

Shyngysbayev S.M., Bitleuov B.A. 1920-1940 жылдардағы Қазақстандағы дене тәрбиесі мен спорттың даму тарихы: Textbook / S.M. Shyngysbayev, B.A. Bitleuov-Almaty: New book, 2021,- 184 pages.

At the beginning of the XX century, despite the difficult socio-economic situation, Kazakh sports progressed, sports that did not exist before and were not familiar to the Kazakh people began to develop. In particular, the formation and development of Kazakh sports coincided with the Soviet government. Physical education and sports were considered part of culture, and all conditions were created to improve human health.

Many of the data presented in the textbook provide information about how physical education and sports were formed and developed in the country in the period 1920-1940. The textbook has been prepared for training in the subject “Physical culture and the history of the Olympic Games” in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard of higher professional education in the program of sports subjects. The textbook is intended for teachers, students and sports specialists of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.