Радиациялық қауіпсіздік негіздері

Радиациялық қауіпсіздік негіздері: Textbook. Kerimbekova Z.M., Naukenova A.S., Ermukhanova N.B., Kenzhalieva G.D., Tashimova A.A.-Almaty: New book, 2021 – 228 p.

The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions in the specialty 5B073100 – “Environmental protection and life safety” and 6B11210 – “Sanitary and preventive measures”.

The textbook describes radioactivity and its units of measurement, the interaction of radioactive radiation with substances, the biological effects of radiation on living organisms, natural and artificial sources of radiation pollution and safety issues, principles of regulation and protection from ionizing radiation.The textbook also examines radiation sources that have an impact on the environment, created on the basis of the formation of the technosphere, the state of contamination of the work area and the environment with radioactive substances, the scientific foundations of natural and artificial sources of radiation, the impact of ionizing radiation sources, the correct use of methods and means of protection and safety, the organization of radiation safety standards and protection from ionizing radiation sources are considered.