Өсімдіктер физиологиясы. Part 1

Karabala-uly O.K., Shayakhmetova I.Sh. Өсімдіктер физиологиясы. Part 1 / O.K. Karabala-uly, I.Sh. Shayakhmetova.— Almaty: New book, 2021. — 200 p.

Plant physiology is a science that studies the processes associated with the autotrophic life of a plant organism. Although the lower plants (algae, blue-green algae) are mostly unicellular, they have many functions similar to those of higher plants. The main task of plant physiology is to reveal internal mechanisms – mechanisms, laws, the basics of communication with external environmental conditions, to change them for the benefit of human society and to form ways of mastering them.