Орта ғасырлар тарихы (Шығыс)

Ilyasova K.M. Орта ғасырлар тарихы (Шығыс). A study guide. Almaty: New book, 2021. — 280 p.

The history of the countries of the East in the Middle Ages shows the peculiarities of traditional societies, important political events during the formation and development of medieval states, the dramatic “meeting” of the West and the East, the first colonization processes. Asian countries include East Asia (Japan, Korea, China, Mongolia), West Asia (Arab countries, the Ottoman Empire, the Caucasus), South Asia (India, Afghanistan, Persia), Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos). Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand), the subregions of Central Asia (Turkic states). In addition, the medieval history of the medieval states of Africa (Ghana, Mali, Songhai) and the Maghreb countries (and Africa a) is highlighted.

The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying history, Oriental studies, Turkology and regional studies.