Биоэкология пәні бойынша тапсырмалар мен есептер. 1-бөлім

Orazbayeva R.S. Биоэкология пәні бойынша тапсырмалар мен есептер. 1-бөлім: textbook / R.S. Orazbayeva. — Almaty: New book, 2021. – 148 p.

The textbook contains tasks, exercises, problems and solutions to environmental situations, grouped by important chapters and topics of the subject bioecology.

Assignments and reports presented in the textbook in classes on credit technology allow students to deeply understand the theoretical foundations of lectures on the subject, contribute to the formation of modern ideas about the effective use of nature and practical environmental work skills, as well as the identification of various loads. impact on the natural environment that has arisen as a result of human economic activity, and develop assessment skills. The content of the textbook is aimed at developing students’ environmental knowledge and culture of human relations with nature.

The textbook can be used by students of specialties in the field of natural sciences and general ecology, as well as in elective classes in schools.