Сапа аудиты (2nd edition)

Duysenbekova O.O., Smagulov A.K., Baykhozhaeva B.A. Сапа аудиты (2nd edition): textbook for higher education institutions / O.O. Duysenbekova, A.K. Smagulov, B.A. Baykhozhaeva,- New book, 2021-268 p.

The purpose of the textbook is to establish uniform requirements for audit and analytical procedures that will be used in the process of implementing the functions and tasks of audit bodies at all stages of the audit, as well as to determine the criteria for audit effectiveness, disclose the specifics of forming conclusions and results included in audit opinions. In addition, the priority of issues of the quality of scientific research and education is justified.

Intended for students and postgraduates of higher educational institutions, this textbook is written on the basis of the curriculum on the credit system of sub-branches of subjects.