Мұнай кәсіпшілігінің жабдықтары

Adilbekov M.A. Мұнай кәсіпшілігінің жабдықтары: textbook / M.A. Adilbekov – Almaty: New book, 2021- 308 p.

The textbook is intended for higher education institutions. The textbook provides designs and parameters of equipment used in oil and gas production.

The textbook contains the following sections: equipment for general production works; open and gas lift production equipment; explanations for rodless and rod pumping units; Shock equipment for the reservoir aimed at repairing wells and accelerating oil and gas production, as well as characteristics of equipment for storage and transportation systems of extracted oil and gas products.

The textbook is intended for specialists working in the field of oil and gas production in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and students of colleges and higher educational institutions who want to become oilmen.