Фариза Оңғарсынова шығармаларының поэтикасы

Kamarova N. Фариза Оңғарсынова шығармаларының поэтикасы. Monograph./ Kamarova N. – Almaty: Izdatelstvo “Arys”, 2021.-288 p.

The monograph evaluates the work of Fariza Ongarsynova, one of the brightest representatives of Kazakh poetry, in a new way. The poet’s poetry is analyzed, reflecting a deep state of mind, the unique verbal skill and unique handwriting of the poet are studied. The artistic methods of the poet’s poetry, the national character, and the system of images are scientifically considered. F.’s journalism is also considered. Ongarsynova.

The work is intended for specialists dealing with the problems of literary studies, doctoral and undergraduates studying philological faculties of universities, teachers and students, as well as lovers of general literature.