Азаматтық іс жүргізу: Сот өндірісі. I том: 2-кітап

Гражданское производство: судебное производство. Том I: книга 2

Author: Andrews N.
Publisher: OF “National Translation Bureau”
Year: 2020
Number of pages: 488


This book is a textbook prepared by Professor Neil Andrews from the University of Cambridge, one of England’s most renowned experts in the field of civil procedure. The author, having thoroughly studied each chapter, outlines the discussions in the civil process, dwells on reforms in the English legal system and alternative ways to resolve the dispute. To resolve and settle the dispute, businessmen apply to the English court. Especially taking into account the reforms in the judicial sphere in our country, you will find answers to the questions about which norms need to be developed, which of them have failed in English practice, which norms should be guided in the judicial system in this book.
The work is intended for students of the Faculty of Law, specialists and teachers studying the field of civil procedure, lawyers, readers interested in this field.