Тарихи этнология

Тарихи этнология

Author: Svetlana Vladimirovna Lurie
ISBN: 5-98426-002-6 (Gaudeamus)
ISBN: 5-8291-0352-4 (Academic Project)
Language: Russian
Publishing house: “Academic project; Gaudeamus”
Year: 2004
Number of pages: 624

The purpose of this textbook is to familiarize students of history with the ethnological information that they will need in their own research work. Therefore, priority attention is given to those sections of ethnology that relate to the mechanisms of functioning of ethnic groups, explaining the processes of their self-organization and adaptation to a changing natural and socio-cultural environment, as well as the specifics of the application of ethnological approaches in historical research.
The textbook includes a detailed overview of the main ethnological concepts, as well as concepts developed in cultural studies, traditiology, sociology, political science, conflictology, knowledge of which is necessary for understanding modern ethnology; an outline of the development of ethnology during the twentieth century until the second half of the 90s.