Қазақ ойшылдарының ғылыми еңбектеріндегі экономикалық теорияның негізгі мәселелері

Dogalov A.N., Dosmaganbetov N.S. Қазақ ойшылдарының ғылыми еңбектеріндегі экономикалық теорияның негізгі мәселелері: monograph. Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019.-216 p.

The monograph complements the educational literature on the courses “Economic Theory”, “fundamentals of economic theory” and applied economic disciplines, as it contains textbook material included in previously published works of famous Kazakh thinkers on certain topics with the recommendations given, which allows students to deeply comprehend the material being studied.
It is intended for students, undergraduates and doctoral students studying “economic theory”, “fundamentals of economic theory” and specific economic disciplines, and is also of particular interest to teachers of economic disciplines.
The monograph on the main problems of economic theory in the scientific works of outstanding Kazakh thinkers was made at the Department of Economic Theory of the L. N. Gumilev Eurasian National University.