Теоретические основы электротехники 2. Часть I. Переходные процессы в электрических цепях

Glushchenko T.I., Bedych T.V. Теоретические основы электротехники 2. Часть I. Переходные процессы в электрических цепях. – Almaty; CyberSraith, 2019. -148 p.

The textbook includes classical and operator methods for calculating transients in DC and AC electrical circuits, examples of problem solving, tests and tasks for students’ independent work. Special attention is paid to the application of specialized programs to the calculation of transients in electrical circuits. The work provides a wide range of methods for calculating and analyzing electrical circuits.
It is intended for students of electrical engineering specialties; it can be recommended to teachers of higher educational institutions when conducting classes on the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering.