Автотранспорта и логистика-охрана окружающей среды

Zhapbirov Zh.G. Автотранспорта и логистика-охрана окружающей среды: A textbook / Zhanbirov Zh.G., Sabraliev N.S., Abzhapbarova A.Zh. – Almaty, CyberSmilh, 2019 -292 p.

The textbook contains the results of the research and information necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from road transport in the cities of Kazakhstan on the example of the city of Almaty. It summarizes significant material in these areas. The existing problems and options for the organization and management of urban road transport are described in detail.
The textbook is intended for: undergraduate students of the specialty 5B09100-“Organization of traffic transportation and operation of transport” and undergraduates of higher educational institutions of sociality 6M090100 – “Organization of traffic transportation and operation of transport” and is also of interest to a wide range of readers.