Основы электрохимических процессов

Kabieva S.K. Основы электрохимических процессов: textbook and workshop for universities / S.K. Kabieva, F.J. Abilkanova. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. -180 p.

The manual corresponds to the course program “Fundamentals of electrochemical processes” for undergraduate students of chemical specialties. It contains the main theoretical sections of the course, examples of solving typical tasks, test tasks, reference data for them; as well as a detailed description of the laboratory work that students must complete during the development of this discipline. It is intended for independent work of students.
This textbook is compiled in accordance with the electrochemistry program, will help prepare future specialists and teach them how to get specific results. The book will certainly be useful for undergraduates and university and college students studying chemistry, ecology, chemical specialists and specialists studying metallurgy and materials science.