Практикум по судебной экспертологии

Myrzakhanova M.N. Практикум по судебной экспертологии: an educational and methodological guide / M.N. Myrzakhanova- Almaty: Cyber Smith. 2019.- 152 p.

This training manual is devoted to a laboratory lesson, which achieved in the process of discussing with the teacher the issues that arose during the independent preparation for the lesson; familiarization with diagrams and tables and; solving situational problems with the preparation of forensic expert conclusions.
A special place in the manual is given to the consideration of the initial level of knowledge (training) is carried out by completing the task using test items (counted if the correct answer is more than 2/3 of the total number of test items). The control of achieving the required volume and level of mastering the content of the section (final control) is carried out in the form of defending the solution of situational tasks and subsequent interviews with the teacher on the material of the section.

This manual is recommended for students, postgraduates, undergraduates and teachers of law schools and faculties who want to improve their professional level.