Биотехнологии животных

Sokova O.T. Биотехнологии животных. Oku-adistemelik kural. Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019.-188 b.

The educational and methodological manual “Animal Biotechnology” is intended for universities that train bachelor students based on credit technology in the specialty “050701-Biotechnology”.
This course presents in detail the methods used in the field of animal biotechnology, as well as the levels of organization at which they are applied. Special attention is paid to the main methodological approaches of animal biotechnology: the production of allophenic animals (genetic chimeras), genetic cloning and the production of transgenic animals. The main stages of work on the genetic transformation of germ and somatic cells of animals, the use of cellular and embryogenetic engineering, methods of artificial insemination, issues of cryopreservation of germ and germ cells are covered in detail.

The training manual contains a lecture course, guidelines for laboratory work, and a glossary.