Технологические процессы производства материалов

Lehtmetz V.L., Chernysheva A.A. Технологические процессы производства материалов. Educational and methodological guidelines for practical classes. Part I – “Casting and welding technology”. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. -108 p.

The training manual summarizes the theoretical foundations and methods of calculating the technological processes of production of castings in single casting molds and calculating the parameters when performing electric arc welding.
Examples of calculations and tasks for self-calculation of equipment are given. The teaching aid is intended for students of the specialty – 5B071000 (Bachelor of Materials Science) specialization “Materials Science and technology of new materials” of all forms of education.
There are 52 illustrations. Tables 34. Bibliographic list of 28 titles.
Recommended for publication by the Educational and Methodological Council of Karaganda State Industrial University.