Кристаллография и металлография

Uleva G.A. Кристаллография и металлография: a textbook / G.A. Uleva, E.S. Sheptalova – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. – 144 p.

The methodological guide contains developments on the most important sections of crystallography. This manual is a consistent presentation of the basics of crystallography, crystal chemistry, metallography of metallic materials. The crystallographic structure of metallic materials, crystal chemistry, and symmetry elements are presented.
The manual can be recommended as a reference material for students of higher educational institutions in the study of the disciplines “Crystallography and defects of crystal structure”, “Materials Science”, “Physical Materials Science”, “Materials Science and technology of structural materials”, “Structural materials and heat treatment”, students in the specialties “Materials Science and technology of new materials”, “TTTiT”, “Teploenergetika”, “BDIZOS”, “TOMD”, “Mechanical Engineering”, “TMO”, as well as for students of secondary specialized educational institutions studying related disciplines.
Approved by the Academic Council of Karaganda State Industrial University.