Методология выбора материалов

Uleva G.A. Методология выбора материалов: educational and methodical manual / G.A. Uleva.. – Almaty: CyberSmith, 2019. -156 p.

One of the central tasks facing the metallurgical and metalworking industries is to improve the quality of metal materials, in particular, to improve their mechanical properties, which determine the behavior of metals and alloys during operation (structural strength) and processing (resistance to deformation, technological plasticity).

This manual systematizes knowledge on conducting scientific research and experiments, knowledge of the basics of technical calculations and techniques for processing experimental data, and also presents a clear system of knowledge in the field of developing materials with a given level of structure and properties based on the principles of physico-chemical interaction of components and alloy synthesis, which allows you to make decisions independently when choosing the main component, alloying complexes and technologies for their processing.