Бейорганикалық химия практикумы

Tantybayeva B.S., Shaikhova B.K., Dautova Z.S., Abilev M.B. Бейорганикалық химия практикумы: part 2. Textbook / B.S.Tantybayeva, A.K. Shakirova. – Almaty: CyberSmith. -144 p.

The proposed textbook contains the methodology of laboratory work on the chemistry of the elements of the periodic table, theory on the topic, exercises and tasks, as well as questions. The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions of the specialties 5B060600, 5B11200 “Chemistry”, 5B011300, 5B060700 “Biology”, Technology and materials Science. The previous version of the textbook has been revised and supplemented.