Атлас анатомии домашних животных. Volume 1

Gazizova A.I., Murzabekova L.M., Akhmetzhanova N.B. Атлас анатомии домашних животных. Volume 1 // Almaty: IP “LP-Zhasulan”, 2019. -246 p.

One of the important tasks facing higher education is the training of highly qualified personnel in such areas of public production, where biology serves as the theoretical basis for practical activities. The importance of biology as a science is currently extremely high. Deep knowledge of the patterns of the emergence and development of wildlife is necessary for the formation of a scientific worldview.
In the system of higher agricultural education, the anatomy of domestic animals is a fundamental discipline in the training of veterinarians who are called upon to solve problems of animal maintenance, increasing consistency in organ systems that provide a certain function.
Veterinarians should have a good knowledge of topographic and surgical anatomy.
In this publication, the authors give the basic structure of the bone system of various types of domestic animals and their structural features. Animal anatomy – no matter how difficult and voluminous it is – is just one of the facets of science, much more complex and exciting. It turns out that there is also a springboard that is necessary for veterinary and biological specialists.